From 1 July 2025, older people will have stronger protections under a new rights-based Aged Care Act.
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The Ageing Mosaic – First Nations Communities

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“Older people have a vital role in Aboriginal communities, in terms of leadership, caregiving and continuity of culture. As such, the health and wellbeing, and aged care needs, of older Aboriginal people are emerging priorities.” – NEURA ‘Sharing the Wisdom of our Elders‘ report.

Our panel of experts will explore the importance of informative and inclusive aged care services and identify programs and supports for older First Nations people.

This webinar covers:

  • Issues with accessing My Aged Care.
  • The importance of trauma-informed and healing-centred approaches to aged care services for First Nations communities.
  • Current innovative programs and approaches that support older First Nations people.
  • How aged care advocacy can support First Nations people’s rights in aged care.

Meet the panel:

  • Terry Donovan – Knowledge Translation Facilitator, Aboriginal Health and Ageing Program, NEURA
  • Kevyn Morris – Member of Older Persons Advocacy Network National Older Persons Reference Group.
  • Rhonda Smith – Aboriginal Sector Support & Development Officer, Booroongen Djugun, Aged Care Facility, Kempsey, NSW
  • Christene Polanski – Advocate, Seniors Right Service, Broken Hill, NSW
  • Hosted by Kyle Olsen

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