From 1 July 2025, older people will have stronger protections under a new rights-based Aged Care Act.
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Call the Aged Care Advocacy Line, our national team of advocates is available Monday to Friday 8am–8pm and Saturday 10am-4pm 

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General contact

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OPAN’s services are free, confidential and independent. 

Aged Care Advocacy Line 1800 700 600

Speak to an advocate for information or support in relation to your government-funded aged care services.  Our operating hours are 8am–8pm Monday to Friday and 10am–4pm on Saturdays.

Complete a form

You can also complete a form for information or advocacy support. You will be contacted by our network member organisation in your state/territory, this call may come from a private number.

Translation and interpretation

If you need an interpreter, we can arrange one when you call. Or you can contact one of the services below.

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) – 131 450
Aboriginal Interpreter Service (AIS) – 1800 334 944 
Kimberley Interpreting Service (KIS) – 08 9192 3981 

If you are deaf and/or find it hard to communicate via the phone, you can contact us via the National Relay Service. 

Voice Relay number – 1300 555 727 
TTY number  – 133 677  
SMS relay number  – 0423 677 767  

Helpful contacts and links

  • Contact our media team here.
  • Provide your feedback about OPAN here.
  • For other general enquiries, you can email us here.
    If your enquiry is regarding a need for information or support your enquiry will be forwarded to our state or territory network member organisation who will engage with you directly.
  • Read and subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter, The National Advocate.
  • Order copies of our printed resources.
  • Read our privacy policy, complaints policy and procedure.