From 1 July 2025, older people will have stronger protections under a new rights-based Aged Care Act.
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Call the Aged Care Advocacy Line, our national team of advocates is available Monday to Friday 8am–8pm and Saturday 10am-4pm 

Self-advocacy toolkit

What you need to know for better aged care

Self-advocacy or speaking up means having the right information to get the care and support you need. Explore the topics below to start.

Home Solving common aged care problems

Solving common aged care problems

If problems with your aged care services are affecting your health and wellbeing, speaking up can help. Most service providers want to know what they can do better. Speaking up will help make the service better for you and others too. And there are simple steps you can take to raise a concern or make an effective complaint. If you would like additional support, OPAN advocates are here to help.

Explore the topics below to learn more.

Raising concerns and making an effective complaint

How to raise concerns or make a complaint when you’re not happy with your aged care.

Getting safe, high-quality care

What does good care look like for your needs?

Ensuring your diverse life experience is respected

How to get culturally safe and inclusive aged care.

Younger people in residential aged care

Support for younger people in residential aged care.

Serious incidents

What happens when a serious incident occurs in aged care?

Medication, chemical restraint and your choice

What you need to know about medication and your rights.

Need more support?
Call 1800 700 600