Advance care planning asks you to think about your future healthcare. It relates to healthcare and treatment you would – or would not – like to receive if you were unable to communicate or make decisions yourself. Advance care planning can include health and aged care and/or end of life care. Ideally, advance care planning will result in your values, wishes and preferences being documented in an advance care directive.
These are not always easy conversations to have, but the resources below will help. Advance care planning ensures that the people who support you know what your preferences are and that these preferences are respected.
Advance care planning is for everyone
OPAN webinar in partnership with Advance Care Planning Australia to provide an overview of advance care planning for your future care. Click on the ‘CC’ button to turn on captions and the ‘V’ icon for full screen.
Documents and external links
Learn more about advance care planning. These documents and websites offer help, strategies, and practical information. Brief descriptions are provided for each document or link.

Advance Care Planning Australia

Create your own plan