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Call the Aged Care Advocacy Line, our national team of advocates is available Monday to Friday 8am–8pm and Saturday 10am-4pm 

Self-advocacy toolkit

What you need to know for better aged care

Self-advocacy or speaking up means having the right information to get the care and support you need. Explore the topics below to start.

Home Self-advocacy toolkit Help with decision making Living with dementia/cognitive conditions

Living with dementia/cognitive conditions

Dementia and other cognitive conditions affect people differently and for some communicating thoughts and feelings can be difficult. There are practical strategies to help people living with dementia communicate their needs and wishes more effectively.

People living with dementia and other cognitive conditions may have changes in capacity to make decisions, however it is important to note that a diagnosis of dementia does not automatically mean someone does not have any decision-making capacity.

The presumption must always be that the person has the ability to make decisions. And it’s their right to be provided with the necessary support to do so.

Communicating with people living with dementia

In this OPAN webinar, our panel discuss barriers to communication and practical strategies to improve communication between a person living with dementia and their loved ones and carers. Click on the ‘CC’ button to turn on captions and the ‘V’ icon for full screen.

Documents and external links

Learn more about  living with dementia/cognitive conditions. These documents and websites offer help, strategies, and practical information. Brief descriptions are provided for each document or link.

Dementia Australia

Contact Dementia Australia on 1800 100 500 for support and explore their website for helpful resources on living with or supporting someone with dementia.

Dementia Support Australia

Dementia Support Australia provides help 24/7, across Australia for carers of people living with dementia where behaviours are impacting on care. Browse their resources or call 1800 699 799.

Dementia Alliance International

Join a peer-to-peer support group for people with a diagnosis of any type of dementia.

Communication cards

Download communication cards in English and 60 different languages from the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing website.

Need more support?
Call 1800 700 600