From 1 July 2025, older people will have stronger protections under a new rights-based Aged Care Act.
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International Day of Older Persons Roundtable 2023

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‘We are not the dog that you decide what to do with. We are people, we make our own decisions.’ Margaret Duckett

In our International Day of Older Persons Roundtable 2023, members of OPAN’s National Older Persons Reference Group discussed their personal experiences and effects of ageism in their daily life – and the importance of rights awareness.

An International Convention forces the Government to to start to gather data, there’s virtually no data on older people that is meaningful within Australia that doesn’t serve the researchers’ purpose.’ Theresa Flavin,  member of the National Older Persons Reference Group and dementia advocate.

Watch the video to hear what Theresa and fellow panellists Margaret Duckett, Judith Covell, Paul Absolom, and Rosemary Seam  had to say on ageing with your rights intact, ageism faced in everyday life, the effects on aged care/health care and the necessity of international conventions for older people.



  • Learn more about the UN observance here
  • Read OPAN’s Submission on an Australian Human Rights Act here

For help and support:

OPAN advocates can provide independent and confidential information to older people experiencing abuse or neglect within the aged care system. Speak with one of our aged care advocates on 1800 700 600 or complete our advocacy request form.

View OPAN’s Self-advocacy toolkit here for information and resources about your rights and options in aged care.

1800 ELDERHelp (1800 353 374) the National Elder Abuse phone line.

Lifeline Australia (13 11 14) provides 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services to people experiencing emotional distress.