From 1 July 2025, older people will have stronger protections under a new rights-based Aged Care Act.
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Call the Aged Care Advocacy Line, our national team of advocates is available Monday to Friday 8am–8pm and Saturday 10am-4pm 

Seminar: In Sickness and Health

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Strategies to support care partners of people living with dementia experiencing unwanted sexual demands.

There are many barriers to the care partners of people living with dementia talking about unwanted sexual contact – including, feeling embarrassed, not knowing who to talk to or feeling disloyal to their partner. This seminar outlines the problem and offers practical strategies to support care partners, by answering the following questions:

What brain changes can lead to some people living with dementia becoming hypersexual or sexually disinhibited?
What can care partners do if they experience unwanted sexual contact?
What can service providers do to support care partners in this situation?


  • Kate Swaffer, Dementia Alliance International – key issues and concerns
  • Theresa Flavin – practical strategies to support care partners
  • Steve Grady – it’s okay to reach out for support
  • Dubhglas Taylor – the concerns of care partners
  • Craig Gear, CEO Older Persons Advocacy Network
  • Amanda Martorano, Dementia Support Australia – support services for care partners.

This seminar is presented by the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) in conjunction with Dementia Alliance International, Celebrate Ageing and the Older Women’s Network NSW as part of the #ReadyToListen project funded by the Department of Health.


Seminar resources

For information and support about your rights in aged care, contact OPAN on 1800 700 600

View the Ready To Listen webpage to view and download the new resources:

  • Information and support services for the care partners of people living with dementia who are experiencing unwanted sexual demands
  • Resource for service providers working with care partners of people living with dementia


Support services

1800RESPECT​: 1800RESPECT is the National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service. ​Available 24 hours/7 days. Call 1800 737 732 or visit:  ​

1800FULLSTOP​: Fullstop Australia is the national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service. Available 24 hours/7 days. ​Call 1800 385 578 or visit:

DBMAS​: The Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service is part of Dementia Support Australia. Provides free support on dementia related behaviour changes. Call 1800 699 799 or visit:   ​

The National Dementia Helpline​: Part of Dementia Australia, provides free information and advice to people living with dementia, care partners and others. ​Call 1800 100 500 or visit:

Carer Gateway​: Provides emotional and practical services and support for carers. Call 1800 422 737 or visit: ​​​