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Preventing sexual assault of people with dementia in residential aged care

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Of the estimated 50 sexual assaults in residential aged care each week – most victim/survivors are people living with dementia.

In this webinar we ask:

  • What makes people living with dementia vulnerable to sexual assault in aged care?
  • How can an understanding of vulnerability help us to prevent sexual assault?
  • What do people living with dementia want to see happen?

The webinar outlines the role that perceptions of people with dementia play in their vulnerability to sexual assault in residential aged care. It offers practical resources for prevention, including the launch of the #ReadyToListen Dementia MAP (myths, facts and practical strategies).

The panel hosted by Jane Caro:

  • Theresa Flavin, advocate and activist for the rights and dignity of people living with dementia and their carers
  • Dr Catherine Barrett, Director, Celebrate Ageing. Coordinator #ReadyToListen project
  • Yumi Lee, CEO, Older Women’s Network NSW


  • Kate Swaffer, Co founder and Human Rights Advisor, Dementia Alliance International
  • John Quinn, dementia advocate
  • Special guest Dr Kay Patterson, Age Discrimination Commissioner,  to launch the #ReadyToListen project
  • Craig Gear OAM, CEO, Older Persons Advocacy Network to launch the #ReadyToListen resources.

This webinar is presented by the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) in conjunction with the Older Women’s Network NSW and Celebrate Ageing Ltd as part of the #ReadyToListen project funded by the Department of Health.

Visit our #ReadyToListen page for resources and project updates

Webinar resources

  • KPMG Final Report ‘Prevalence Study for a Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS)’ – read it on the Department of Health website
  • Visit the Older Women’s Network NSW website
  • Explore the Celebrate Ageing website, Dr Catherine Barrett’s organisation
  • Visit the Dementia Alliance International website
  • Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety – final report available to read or download here
  • Watch the full video of Kate Swaffer, Co founder and Human Rights Advisor, Dementia Alliance International
  • Take a look at the #ReadyTo Listen MAP resources on our webpage
  • If you would like support as a survivor of sexual assault or something supporting a loved one impacted by sexual assault, you can call Full Stop Australia to speak to a trauma specialist counsellor any time on 1800 FULL STOP (1800 385 578) or chat online at