From 1 July 2025, older people will have stronger protections under a new rights-based Aged Care Act.
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The Ageing Mosaic – Support for LGBTI people

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Many older LGBTI+ people have lived through a time where identities were pathologised or criminalised. As a result, many LGBTI+ people have learned to conceal their sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status in order to be safe, particularly when interacting with the health or social services sector. The fear and mistrust of these services in the past have led older LGBTI+ people to be reluctant to utilise mainstream services, including aged care.

Our panel discuss strategies to assist aged care service providers to better understand how they can support older LGBTI+ people. By providing culturally safe and inclusive services, providers will build confidence amongst older LGBTI+ people and their carers, families of choice (who may or may not include biological family) and allies that aged care services are available for them and they will be given the support and care they need as they age.

This webinar covers:

  • The issues and barriers faced by older LGBTI+ people when accessing aged care services, and how they can be removed.
  • The reasons why many older LGBTI+ people fear accessing aged care services.
  • Supports and programs that are in place to assist LGBTI+ people to access aged care.
  • How providers and residential aged care facilities can be more inclusive of the needs of the LGBTI+ community.

Meet the panel:

  • Sally Goldner AM, Diversity trans–relator and educator
  • Russ Gluyas, Program Coordinator Ageing – the LOVE Project , ACON
  • Gerard Dunlop, Advocate, Seniors Rights Service
  • Rob Hardy, Director – Training and Capacity Building, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia
  • Christine Morris, Eldercare Pride Programme Coordinator, Eldercare

Webinar resources

Two videos were used during the webinar, with permission.
LGBTI: Inclusion and Awareness in the aged care – Australian Department of Health
Be yourself at Eldercare – Eldercare