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Call the Aged Care Advocacy Line, our national team of advocates is available Monday to Friday 8am–8pm and Saturday 10am-4pm 

Self-advocacy toolkit

What you need to know for better aged care

Self-advocacy or speaking up means having the right information to get the care and support you need. Explore the topics below to start.

Home Self-advocacy toolkit Your aged care rights Aged Care Quality Standards

Aged Care Quality Standards

To qualify for government funding, an aged care provider must be approved as suitable by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

Approved service providers also have responsibilities under the Aged Care Act 1997 relating to the quality of care, the rights of care recipients as set out in the Charter of Aged Care Rights, and governance.

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission monitors and assesses the performance of approved aged care providers against the Aged Care Quality Standards (Quality Standards).

The Aged Care Quality Standards reflect the quality and level of care and services you can expect to receive from your aged care service provider.

Professional aged care advocates frequently use their knowledge of the Aged Care Quality Standards to support better outcomes and you can too. See the Quality Standards in action, in the ‘Your rights’ video.

What the Aged Care Quality Standards mean for you

A short video from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission explaining the Quality Standards and what you can expect from your care and provider. Click on the ‘CC’ button to turn on captions and the ‘Youtube’ icon for full screen.

Documents and external links

Learn more about the Aged Care Quality Standards. These documents and websites offer help, strategies, and practical information. Brief descriptions are provided for each document or link.

Aged Care Quality Standards information

View the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission resources to help you understand what the Aged Care Quality Standards mean for your care.

Aged Care Quality Standards factsheet

Read and download the Age Care Quality and Safety Commission fact sheet around the Quality Standards and what they mean for older people and organisations.

Consumer outcomes poster

Download this handy poster to view the consumer outcome statements for each of the Aged Care Quality Standards, in English and 25 other languages.

Aged Care laws in Australia

The Aged Care Act 1997 is the main law that covers government-funded aged care. It sets out governance on regulation, approval of providers, quality of care and the rights of people receiving care. Laws on diversity and discrimination also apply to aged care.

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Call 1800 700 600