While some barriers may be more likely for some groups, each person’s experience will be different. There are a number of barriers that are common across diverse groups within the community. For example, having limited access to resources (e.g. housing, finances and support) creates a range of challenges and potential barriers to access for many people. At an organisational and systemic level, it’s therefore impact to consider how to ensure equitable access to services for people with limited finances. Within the Australian aged care system, there is a clear expectation that older people must not be denied a service because they cannot pay for it (My Aged Care).
Other common barriers include:
- Communication challenges
- Social isolation
- Experiences of trauma, grief and loss
- Social exclusion.
Communication challenges
Inclusive communication
Plain Language Association International. (PLAIN) Available from: https://plainlanguagenetwork.org/plain-language/what-is-plain-language/
EMR Alliance (2017) Connecting through inclusive communication practices. Available from: www.esdt.com.au/connecting-through-inclusive-communication-practices.html
Scope have developed a range of resources focussed on effective communication with people with a range of communication difficulties. There are also a number of short videos available on their website that demonstrate communication strategies and tools in action. Of particular interest may be:
- Communication access. Available from: https://www.scopeaust.org.au/services-for-organisations/access-and-inclusion-for-businesses/communication-access/
- The ‘Connecting Me’ Tool Kit. Available from: https://www.scopeaust.org.au/information-resources-hub/resources-download/
Meaningful Ageing Australia’s ‘See Me. Know Me.’ campaign is founded on the idea of making identities visible, and provides a good example of how unique and varied the life experiences of older Australians are. Further information is available form: https://seemeknowme.org.au/
Beyond Blue (2019) Have the conversation with older people. Available from: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/who-does-it-affect/older-people/have-the-conversation-with-older-people
Real Care the Second Time around have developed a number of resources to support staff when working with people who identify as Forgotten Australians / Care Leavers including:
- Practical tips to assist aged care providers and staff to engage with Forgotten Australians / Care Leavers. Available from: https://www.helpinghand.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/FA-practical-tips-booklet-web-version-v2.pdf
- About Me: Practical tips for aged care providers to support their clients to develop their own About ME one page story. Available from: https://www.helpinghand.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/About-ME-booklet-v2-web-version.pdf
Cations, M., Browne-Yung, K., O’Neil, D., Smyth, A., Putsey, P., Walker, R., Corlis, M., Laver, K., Fernandez, E. & Crotty, M. (2020) Safe and inclusive aged care for Forgotten Australians / Care Leavers: Recommendations for aged care providers. Adelaide: Flinders University. Available here.
VANISH (2014) Supporting those affected by Past Adoption Practices. Available from: https://vanish.org.au/media/55242/AD-Info-Book-QR.pdf
Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) (2018) Things to Consider when working with Older Women who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. Available here.
The NSW Nurses and Midwives Association have worked with experts to create the 10 Questions series of leaflets that are designed to increase consumer knowledge and make the journey into residential aged care easier. Visit https://www.10questions.org.au/index.html for further information and to download the suite of 10 questions leaflets.
Inclusive language
National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) (2021) Strategies for combatting ageism through age-positive language. Available from: https://www.nari.net.au/Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=6817e345-ce42-4f05-8510-ed42b124db14
Health Issues Centre (2019) Don’t call me frail: Social listening report (discusses inclusive language for older people) Available from: https://hic.org.au/older-people-less-likely-to-use-services-labelled-for-the-old-new-study-finds/
NSW Ministry of Health (2019) Communicating Positively: A Guide to Appropriate Aboriginal Terminology. Available from: https://www1.health.nsw.gov.au/pds/Pages/doc.aspx?dn=GL2019_008
Dementia Support Australia (2022) First Nations Language Guide. Available from: https://www.dementia.com.au/resource-hub/first-nations-language-guide
Victorian Government DPC (2021) LGBTIQ+ inclusive language guide. Available from: https://www.vic.gov.au/inclusive-language-guide
Intersex Human Rights Australia (IHRA) (2020) Inclusion guide to respecting people with intersex variations. Available from: https://ihra.org.au/inclusion/
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) (2021) PWDA Language Guide: A guide to language about disability. Available from: http://prdpwd.wpengine.com/resources/language-guide/
Dementia Australia (2023) Dementia Language Guidelines. Available from: https://www.dementia.org.au/sites/default/files/2023-10/Dementia-language-guidelines.pdf
Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) (2022) Recovery Oriented Language Guide: Third Edition. Sydney, Australia. Available from: https://mhcc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Recovery-Oriented-Language-Guide-Mental-Health-Coordinating-Council-2022.pdf
Everymind. Mental Health: Language and stigma. Available from: https://everymind.org.au/understanding-mental-health/mental-health/language-and-stigma
Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) (2010) Workers with Mental Illness: a Practical Guide for Managers. (See Appendix C: How to talk about mental illness). Available from: https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/disability-rights/publications/2010-workers-mental-illness-practical-guide-managers
Communicating with people living with Dementia or cognitive impairments
Dementia Australia provide a range of resources to support staff understand the impact of dementia on communication and strategies to support effective communication. These include:
- Managing changes in communication (includes written information and videos) Available from: https://www.dementia.org.au/national/support-and-services/carers/managing-changes-in-communication.
- Lets talk: Good communication tips for talking with people with dementia (2024) Available from: https://www.dementia.org.au/sites/default/files/2024-01/2020-Lets-Talk-booklet.pdf
- Dementia Training Australia. Advancing practice in dementia (4th Edn). Handbook 8: Therapeutic communication. Available from: https://dta.com.au/resources/advancing-practice-in-dementia/
Dementia Support Australia (2022) Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Communication Cards. Available from: https://www.dementia.com.au/resource-hub/aboriginal-torres-strait-islander-communication-cards
Communicating with people with sensory deficits (e.g. vision or hearing loss)
Deaf Australia. Accessibility & Inclusion toolkit. Available from: https://deafaustralia.org.au/accessibility-inclusion-toolkit/
Note: People who have a hearing or speech impairment can contact My Aged Care through the National Relay Service. They can also access free interpreting or captioning services through Deaf Connect. Further information is available from: https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/accessible-all
National Relay Service is an Australia-wide phone service for people who are deaf, have hearing impairment and/or speech impairment and people wanting to communicate with them. Further information is available from: https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/media-communications-arts/phone/services-people-disability/accesshub/national-relay-service
Deaf Connect provides information, referral, advocacy, interpreting services (and direct aged care and disability services) for people who are deaf and hard of hearing. Free interpreting and captioning services are available for aged care services providers. Further information is available from: https://deafconnect.org.au/
Note: People who are visually impaired can access information from My Aged Care in large print or braille. Further information is available from: https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/accessible-all
Vision Australia. Communicating effectively. Available from: https://www.visionaustralia.org/information/family-friends-carers/communicating-effectively
We C Hope (2017) How to Communicate with People Who are Blind or Vision Impaired. Available from: https://wechope.org/resources/how-to-communicate-with-people-who-are-blind-or-vision-impaired-part-1/
Culturally appropriate communication
LaTrobe University and the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) (2014) Koorified: Aboriginal Communication and Well-Being. Available from: https://enliven.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Koorified-Aboriginal-Communication-and-Well_Being.pdf
The following organisations have published a range of resources that focus on effective communication with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse people:
- Centre for Culture, ethnicity and health. Resources in communications. Available from: https://www.ceh.org.au/resource-hub/category/communications/
- Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing (CCDA) Available from: https://www.culturaldiversity.com.au/service-providers. Of particular interest may be:
- Communication practice guide. Available from: https://www.culturaldiversity.com.au/documents/practice-guides/1176-communications-2017-pdf-version/file
- Multilingual resources. Available from: https://www.culturaldiversity.com.au/service-providers/multilingual-resources
- Depicting the lives of people from CALD backgrounds living with dementia (video of presentation by Danijela Hlis at the 2021 Cultural Diversity in Ageing Conference 2021 Care to Communicate – Hearing the voices of older people). Available from: https://youtu.be/QOhAZrCCPmk
PICAC NT. Cultural background resources. Tools to help care for seniors from CALD backgrounds (includes helpful resources and tips around accessing information in language and communication). Available from: https://www.cotant.org.au/picac/information-in-language/
Multicultural Aged Care Inc. provide the Multicultural Aged Care Library which includes a collection of resources focusing on the cultural and linguistic aspects of aged and community care. Membership is free and resources available for loan include books, training materials, DVDs, music, activities, armchair travel, games and communication aids. Further information is available from: https://library.mac.org.au/
Tasmanian DHHS (2017) Working with culturally and linguistically diverse CALD communities – Tips for communication (video). Produced by at+m marketing. Available from: https://youtu.be/j4lNVRyEKh4
Harrison, R., Walton, M., Chitkara, U., Manias, E., Chauhan, A., Latanik, M. & Leone, D. (2020) Beyond translation: Engaging with culturally and linguistically diverse consumers. Health Expect. 2020;23:159–168. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.12984
Note: My Aged Care have created a number of resources in different languages. Further information is available from: https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/accessible-all#other-languages
Working with interpreters
Note: People who have difficulty speaking or understanding English can contact My Aged Care through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National). Further information is available from: https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/accessible-all
Department of Health and Aged Care.Translating and Interpreting Service for aged care service providers. Available from: https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/the-translating-and-interpreting-service-tis-national-for-aged-care-service-providers
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) provide a range of resources for staff and consumers on their website: https://www.tisnational.gov.au/. Of particular interest may be:
- Working with TIS National interpreters. Available from: https://www.tisnational.gov.au/en/Free-Interpreting-Service
- Agency resources. Available from: https://www.tisnational.gov.au/en/Agencies
- Tasmanian DHHS (2017) Working with culturally and linguistically diverse CALD communities – Working with interpreters (video). Produced by at+m marketing. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZpnwqsgLZI
Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA) (2016) Australia’s growing linguistic diversity: An opportunity for a strategic approach to language services policy and practice. Available from: https://fecca.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/feccalanguagesreport.pdf
Centre for Culture, ethnicity and health (2022) Accessing Interpreter Services practice guide. Available from: https://www.culturaldiversity.com.au/documents/practice-guides/1805-accessing-interpreting-services/file
National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) Using interpreters during a cognitive assessment. Information and video available from: https://www.nari.net.au/interpreters-in-cognitive-assessment
Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators Inc (AUSit) provide a range of resources to support you work effectively with translators and interpreters. These are available from: https://ausit.org/general-guidelines/
Migrant and Refugee Women’s Health Partnership (MRWHP) (2019) Guide for Clinicians Working with Interpreters in Healthcare Settings. Available from: https://culturaldiversityhealth.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Guide-for-clinicians-working-with-interpreters-in-healthcare-settings-Jan2019.pdf
Further information about English literacy is available from:
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (2013) 4228.0 – Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, Australia, 2011-2012. Available from: https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Lookup/4228.0main+features992011-2012
Australian Government. Style manual – Literacy and access. Available from: https://www.stylemanual.gov.au/accessible-and-inclusive-content/literacy-and-access
The following organisations provide information and support for people with low literacy:
- Australian Literacy & Numeracy Foundation: https://alnf.org/
- Australian Council for Adult Literacy: https://acal.edu.au/
- Reading Writing Hotline: https://www.readingwritinghotline.edu.au/
Further information about health literacy is available from:
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) (2022) Health literacy. Available from: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-health/health-literacy
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (2018) National Health Survey: Health literacy. Available from: https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/health/health-conditions-and-risks/national-health-survey-health-literacy/latest-release
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) has developed a range of resources for consumers, clinicians and health service organisations to support improvements in health literacy. These are available from their resource library: https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/our-work/patient-and-consumer-centred-care/health-literacy/tools-and-resources-for-health-service-organisations
Health Literacy Essentials – Health Literacy Training. These are available from: https://www.healthliteracytraining.com.au/health-literacy-essentials-course/Centre for culture, ethnicity and health. Resources in Health literacy. Available from: https://www.ceh.org.au/resource-hub/category/health-literacy/
Health Literacy Innovations. Health literacy innovations publications. Available from: https://healthliteracyinnovations.com/resources/hli_publications/
enliven (2013) Organisational Health Literacy self-assessment resource. Available from: https://enliven.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/enlivenHL.pdf
Nutbeam, D. & Lloyd, J. E. (2021). Understanding and responding to health literacy as a social determinant of health. Annual Review of Public Health, 42(1) p159–173. Understanding and Responding to Health Literacy as a Social Determinant of Health (annualreviews.org)
Kickbusch, I., Pelikan, J.M., Apfel, F. & Tsouros, A.D. (2013) Health literacy: the solid facts. World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe. Available from: https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/326432
Health Issues Centre (HIC) & Victorian Refugee Health Network (VRHN) (2016) Working together to improve health literacy of women from refugee background. Available from: https://hic.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/HIC-Improve-health-literacy-women-refugee-final-report.pdf
Further information about digital literacy is available from:
Department of Social Services (DSS)Be Connected – improving digital literacy for older Australians. Available from: https://www.dss.gov.au/seniors/be-connected-improving-digital-literacy-for-older-australians
Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing (CCDA) (2022) Digital inclusion practice guide. Available from: https://www.culturaldiversity.com.au/documents/practice-guides/1455-digital-inclusion-1/file
Australian Digital Inclusion Index (ADII) (2021) Measuring Australia’s digital divide. Available from: https://www.digitalinclusionindex.org.au/
eSafety Commissioner (2018) Understanding the digital behaviours of older Australians: Summary of national survey and qualitative research. Available from: https://www.esafety.gov.au/sites/default/files/2019-08/Understanding-digital-behaviours-older-Australians-summary-report-2018.pdf
The Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association (ASCCA) is the Peak Body representing Computer and Technology groups and clubs for Seniors throughout Australia. Further information is available from: https://ascca.org.au/
Further information about financial literacy is available from:
Australian Government. National Financial Capability Strategy. Available from: https://files.moneysmart.gov.au/media/vyfbpg4x/national-financial-capability-strategy-2022.pdf
Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS). Elder abuse in Australia: Financial abuse (2022) Available here: https://aifs.gov.au/sites/default/files/2022-08/22-02_financial-abuse-in-australia.pdf
Compass. Financial Abuse Resource Centre. Available from: https://www.compass.info/resources/resource/financial-abuse-resource-centre/
Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) (2020) Powers of attorney and financial abuse of older people in Australia. Available from: https://aifs.gov.au/resources/short-articles/powers-attorney-and-financial-abuse-older-people-australiaI
Social isolation and loneliness
Social isolation
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Social isolation and loneliness. Available from: https://www.aihw.gov.au/mental-health/topic-areas/social-isolation-and-loneliness
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) (2022) People with a disability in Australia. Available from: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/disability/people-with-disability-in-australia/contents/social-support/social-inclusion
Ending Loneliness together https://endingloneliness.com.au/
Compass. Isolation. Available from: https://www.compass.info/featured-topics/isolation/
Health Issues Centre (HIC) Social inclusion resources. Available from: https://hic.org.au/category/social-inclusion/
Dementia Australia (2021) Discrimination and dementia – enough is enough. Dementia Action Week Report 2021. Available from: https://www.dementia.org.au/dementia-action-week/enough-is-enough
Smith, B.J. and Lim, M.H. (2020) How the COVID-19 pandemic is focusing attention on loneliness and social isolation. Public Health Res Pract. 2020;30(2):e3022008 https://www.phrp.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/PHRP3022008.pdf
Dementia Australia (2020) One day the support was gone. The mental health impact of COVID-19 on people living with dementia, their families and carers. Available from: https://www.dementia.org.au/sites/default/files/2024-04/PFOD-Discussion-Paper-Nov-2020.pdf
Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) (2021) Stronger Together: Loneliness and social connectedness in Australia. Focus on the States Series, No 8/21. Available from: https://bcec.edu.au/assets/2021/11/139532_BCEC-Stronger-Together-report_WEB.pdf
Griefline. Loneliness and isolation. Available from: https://griefline.org.au/resources/loneliness-and-isolation/
Telstra Exchange. Talking Loneliness (website includes videos, stories and the Talking Loneliness Report: Research into the state of loneliness in Australia in 2021) Available from: https://www.telstra.com.au/exchange/all-the-lonely-people-why-loneliness-is-australias-next-public-health-crisis
Services and support available for older people who are isolated
Note: The Department of Health and Aged Care recognise the importance of social connections as a key element of older people’s health and wellbeing. Building older people’s capacity and confidence to socialise, and creating opportunities to build and strengthen connections are embedded as priorities throughout all aged care programs. This is also reflected throughout the Aged Care Quality Standards.
Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) Community Visitors Scheme (CVS). Available from: https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/aged-care-volunteer-visitors-scheme-acvvs?language=aus-N230
Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) About men’s sheds. Available from: https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/mens-sheds/about-mens-sheds
Department of Social Services (DSS) Seniors Connected Program. Available from: https://www.dss.gov.au/communities-and-vulnerable-people-programs-services/seniors-connected-program
Dementia Support Australia (DSS) Dementia Engagement Modelling Program (DEMP) supports people living with dementia in residential aged care who are at risk or have become isolated, frustrated or fearful – or are at risk of developing behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia. The program provides free best practice, relationship-centred engagement strategies that help you provide meaningful engagement to residents living with dementia. It also gives you support and coaching to make sure everyone benefits from the program. Further information is available here.
Experiences of trauma, grief and loss
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) (2022) Mental health services in Australia: Stress and trauma. Available from: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/mental-health/stress-and-trauma
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) (2018) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Stolen Generations and descendants: number, demographic characteristics and selected outcomes. Available from: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/indigenous-australians/stolen-generations-descendants/summary
Phoenix Australia (2019) What is trauma? Available from: https://www.phoenixaustralia.org/your-recovery/
Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) COVID-19 aged care grief and trauma support services. Available from: https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/aged-care/advice-on-aged-care-during-covid-19/grief-and-trauma-support-services
Phoenix Australia offers information and tools to support those who have had traumatic experiences, and trauma recovery resources for carers and aged care providers. https://www.phoenixaustralia.org/
There are 3 resource packages designed for the aged care sector, available on the Phoenix Australia aged care website:
- For aged care organisations: Trauma-informed care policy resources including a trauma-informed care framework, webinars, workbooks and self-assessment tools. Available from: https://www.phoenixaustralia.org/aged-care/aged-care-managers/
- For aged care staff: Trauma-informed practice resources, including videos, webinars and online training. Designed to help aged care staff give trauma-informed care to others and understand self-care for themselves. Available from: https://www.phoenixaustralia.org/aged-care/aged-care-workforce/
- For aged care recipients, their families and loves ones: Trauma awareness and support resources on understanding trauma. Guidance on when to seek help, self-care strategies and resources for caring for a loved one affected by trauma. Available from: https://www.phoenixaustralia.org/aged-care/older-people-families-and-carers/
- Phoenix Australia have also created a number of videos and webinars relating to trauma and trauma informed care. These are available on Phoenix Australia’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkGF8G1IVaAP10b-qZlYKng/videos.
The Blue Knot foundation is the National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma. They advocate for and provide support to people who have experiences of complex trauma, and those who support them, personally and professionally. Further information and a range of resources are available from their website: https://blueknot.org.au/
The Trauma-Informed Care Implementation Resource Centre (USA) has created a number of useful resources that describe trauma-informed care, it’s benefits and enablers (within practice and across organisations). Their website also includes a number of short videos and case studies that highlight key concepts. Available from https://www.traumainformedcare.chcs.org/
Relationships Australia (Tas) have collated a range of resources (including, brochures, easy English resources and videos) that discuss trauma and counselling. These are available from: https://tas.relationships.org.au/useful-resources/
The Real Care the Second Time Around project has created a range of practical resources and training programs that aim to support the aged care sector understand and respond to the needs of Forgotten Australians / Care Leavers. The project is a collaboration between Helping Hand Aged Care, Flinders University & Relationships Australia SA. Further information is available from: https://www.helpinghand.org.au/about-us/diversity-inclusion/forgotten-australians/
The Working With Aged Care Clients Who Experienced Childhood Trauma in ‘Care’ (online training package) provides an introduction to understanding the impacts of childhood trauma for people now entering aged care. It focuses on the experiences of Forgotten Australians, Stolen Generations, Former Child Migrants and people affected by forced adoption. Available from: https://www.helpinghand.org.au/about-us/diversity-inclusion/forgotten-australians/trauma-training/
The Healing Foundation has created the online Healing portal for Indigenous healing resources. Available from: https://healingfoundation.org.au/healing-portal/
- The Healing portal includes information and a range of resources that focus on trauma for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. These are available from: https://healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/learn/health-topics/healing/trauma/
- Coping with the impacts of trauma (2019) https://healingfoundation.org.au//app/uploads/2019/02/Coping-with-the-Impacts-of-Trauma-Brochure.-Aer.-WEB.pdf
- Intergenerational Trauma Animation (2018) video. Available from: https://fb.watch/h7__COuk4-/
- Make Healing Happen: it’s time to act (2021) Available from: https://healingfoundation.org.au//app/uploads/2021/05/Make-Healing-Happen-Report-FINAL-May-2021.pdf
- Bringing Them Home 20 Years On: an action plan for healing (2017) Available from: https://healingfoundation.org.au/app/uploads/2017/05/Bringing-Them-Home-20-years-on-FINAL-SCREEN-1.pdf
Transforming Indigenous Mental Health and Wellbeing (TIMHWB) (2021a) Fact sheet: social and emotional wellbeing (2021a). Available from: https://timhwb.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/SEWB-fact-sheet.pdf
Mental Health coordination Council (MHCC) Trauma-informed Care and Practice Organisation Toolkit (TICPOT). Available from: https://mhcc.org.au/resource/ticpot-stage-1-2-3/
Department of Social Services (DSS) (2019) Supporting people affected by forced adoptions – fact sheet. Available from: https://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/families-and-children/programs-services/forced-adoption-practices/supporting-people-affected-by-forced-adoptions
Wall, S., Santalucia, Y., Salem, M., Giacomin, D. McDonald, R. & Bosnjak, F. (2011) Enhancing the lives of Older Refugees: A self improvement resource for community service providers. Available from: https://www.startts.org.au/media/Resource-Enhancing-the-Lives-of-Older-Refugees-2012.pdf
Foundation House (2016) Integrated trauma recovery service model. Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture (Foundation House). Available from: https://www.foundationhouse.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/INTEGRATED-TRAUMA-SERVICE-RECOVERY-MODEL_cr.pdf
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (2020) Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Acute Stress Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Complex PTSD. Available from: https://www.phoenixaustralia.org/australian-guidelines-for-ptsd/
Grief and loss
The Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement (ACGB) provides tailored support, advice and specialised counselling with a bereavement practitioner in a one-to-one or group setting. https://www.grief.org.au/ Resources of particular interest may be:
Aged Care grief and bereavement support Available from: https://aged.grief.org.au/
- Grief and loss fact sheets for professionals Available here
Griefline (Ph: 1800 845 745) provides free telephone and online support services and resources for people experiencing grief and loss. Their website also includes a number of resources related to grief, loss and trauma. Further information is available from: https://griefline.org.au/
GriefLink provides information for people who are dealing with the grief caused by the death of someone close to them, and for those who are supporting them. In addition to general information about grief, there are a number of factsheets that describe grief in different contexts / circumstances (e.g. grief associated with dementia, residential aged care, military service, grief in different cultures). Further information is available from:https://grieflink.org.au/
The National Association for Loss and Grief (NALAG) provides grief support, training and education. Further information is available from: https://www.nalag.org.au/. Resources of particular interest may be:
- Grief and loss in residential aged care – GriefLink. This is available here.
- Loss & Grief in Later Life Available here.
HammondCare provides a range of articles and resources related to bereavement and grief. Available from: https://www.hammond.com.au/research/resources/grief-or-end-of-life-care
Head to Health offers a curated list of digital mental health resources from trusted Australian organisations. Further information is available from: https://www.headtohealth.gov.au/
Elder abuse
Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Elder Abuse. Available from: https://humanrights.gov.au/elderabuse
Attorney-General’s Department. Protecting the Rights of Older Australians. Available from: https://www.ag.gov.au/rights-and-protections/protecting-rights-older-australians
Council of Attorneys-General (CAG) (2019) National Plan to Respond to the Abuse of Older Australians (Elder Abuse) 2019 – 2023. Available from: https://www.ag.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-03/National-plan-to-respond-to-the-abuse-of-older-australians-elder.pdf
Compass. Guiding action on elder abuse. Available from: https://www.compass.info/
National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) – Elder Abuse and dementia (series of short films for providers with tip sheets). Available from: https://www.nari.net.au/elder-abuse-and-dementia
Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) Abuse of older people. Available from: https://opan.org.au/support/abuse-of-older-people
1800ELDERHelp (Ph: 1800 353 374) is a free and confidential National Elder Abuse phone line for information and support and referrals. Further information is available from:
- Department of Health and Aged Care. Elder abuse help line information.
- Australian Human Rights Commission Elder Abuse poster
- Family violence Law – What is elder abuse? Available from: https://familyviolencelaw.gov.au/domestic-family-violence/what-is-elder-abuse/
Relationships Australia (Vic) Elder abuse. Available from: https://relationships.org.au/wp-content/uploads/Elder-Abuse-Tipsheet-19004.pdf
Seniors Rights Victoria. Elder Abuse Response Toolkit. Available from: https://seniorsrights.org.au/resources-education/elder-abuse-toolkit/
Family Advocacy and Support Services (FASS) are available in each State and Territory to provide free legal advice and support at court for people affected by domestic and family violence (including elder abuse). Further information is available from: https://familyviolencelaw.gov.au/fass/
1800 respect (Ph: 1800 737 732) is the national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service. Further information is available from: https://www.1800respect.org.au/. Their website also includes a range of resources for professionals, including:
- Inclusive practice strategies to understand the barriers and risks that face diverse consumers. Available from: https://www.1800respect.org.au/inclusive-practice
- Case studies (including examples that discuss working with clients with diverse needs). Available from: https://www.1800respect.org.au/case-studies-and-articles
- Resources to support staff working with people affected by violence and abuse. Available from: https://www.1800respect.org.au/resources-and-tools.
Services Australia. Family and domestic violence: Where to get help. Information about support available for people affected by family and domestic violence (including support from Services Australia and other organisations) is available from: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/where-to-get-help-for-domestic-violence?context=60033
Social exclusion
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) (2022) Social determinants of health – Social inclusion. Available from: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-health/social-determinants-of-health
Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL) & the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research (MIAESR) – Social Exclusion Monitor. Available from: https://www.bsl.org.au/research/our-research-and-policy-work/social-exclusion-monitor/
Shannon, S., Theberge, S., Larocque, J. & Everitt, E. (2016) Social Exclusion (video). Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuYVRUdt35o
Inclusive Australia. Learn more about social inclusion. Available from: https://www.inclusiveaustralia.com.au/resources
National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) and Curtin University. Dementia – A Democratic disease (short film). Available from: https://www.movingpictures.org.au/mosaic
Dementia Australia – Dementia Action Week – Real Voices (video) Available from: https://www.facebook.com/DementiaAustralia/videos/dementia-action-week-real-voices/470347887028142/
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) (2018) The Cycle of Invisibility – a model for understanding exclusion. Available at: https://www.lgbtiqhealth.org.au/cycle_of_invisibility
Strategies to support social inclusion
City of Ryde (2018) Social Inclusion and Diversity Checklist. Available from: https://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/files/assets/public/community/2018-02-social-inclusion-and-diversity-checklist.pdf
Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) (2015) Building Social Cohesion in our Communities. Available from: https://humanrights.gov.au/sites/default/files/document/publication/WEB_Building_social_cohesion_A4_brochure.pdf