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Home Diversity resources

Diversity resources

Who's missing? Planning for Diversity training resources

Explore the resources below:

Please note: Many of the concepts and characteristics described in this training do not have universally agreed definitions or consistent ways of using terminology.  We recognise that language around diversity and service delivery is constantly evolving.  Our choice of terminology has been guided by our key stakeholders who represent experts in the field, peak bodies, specialist agencies and service providers.  The Department of Health and Aged Care is also working on developing consistent terminology for use across the sector.

For the purpose of this training,  we have used the following terms:

  • Clients / residents – people directly using aged care service/s (care recipient)
  • Carers – formal and informal carers, family members and other support people.

In alignment with the National Carer Recognition Act 2010, aged care legislation, policy and practice guidelines recognises the vital role of carers and the importance of care relationships.  Aged care providers should  consider the unique needs of carers in the design and delivery of services.

Consumers can include past, current or potential clients/residents and carers.
This includes:

  • People who currently use your services
  • People who attempted to use your service but couldn’t or didn’t
  • People who used your service in the past (successfully or unsuccessfully)
  • People who are eligible to use your service (i.e. they’re in your target group) but haven’t used your service yet.

Staff / Workforce – paid and unpaid staff (volunteers) across all parts of the organisation.  Everyone has a role to play in safe and inclusive service delivery.  This includes governance and executive leaders, service delivery staff and other programs (e.g. kitchen and facilities staff, Human Resources, Quality, Communications, ITC etc.)

Glossaries of key terminology are available from:

View the full resources here for Diversity planning in aged care. 

View the full resources here for Social/Holistic models of health and wellbeing.

View the full resources here for Diversity characteristics.

View the full resources here for Intersectionality.

View the full resources here for Common barriers.

View the full resources here for Delivering safe and inclusive aged care services.