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Home Diversity resources Diversity planning in aged care

Diversity planning in aged care

Context and drivers

Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. (2021)  Further information and reports are available from:

Department of Health (DH) (2021a) Australian Government Response to the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.  Available from:

Aged Care Legislation
Commonwealth of Australia (1997) Aged Care Act 1997 No. 112 (See Section 11.3). Available from:

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Aged Care consumer rights.  Available from:

For information about Aged Care legislation and associated policies, go to:

The Charter of Aged Care Rights
The Charter of Aged Care Rights is a requirement of the Aged Care Act 1997.  It describes the rights of all aged care consumers.  While the right to safe and inclusive care is woven throughout the Charter, it specifically includes the right for older people to have “my identity, culture and diversity valued and supported”.

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) (2019) Charter of Aged Care Rights.  Available from:

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Aged Care consumer rights.  Available from:

The Aged Care Quality Standards
The Aged Care Quality Standards sets out the requirements that all aged care providers need to meet when delivering aged care services.  Delivery of safe and inclusive services to people with diverse needs and life experiences is built into and woven throughout the Aged Care Quality Standards.
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) (2018) Aged Care Quality Standards. Available from:

The standards include a number of specific requirements in relation to planning for continuous improvement. Available from:

Guidance and resources for providers to support the Aged Care Quality Standards. Available from:
These include:

  • Standard 1. Consumer dignity and choice (see Standard 1(3)a for specific reference to diversity planning).
  • Standard 8 Organisational Governance (See Requirement 3c(ii) Continuous improvement)

The Aged Care Diversity Framework
The Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) have published a collection of resources to support diversity planning. These include:


National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program:

Strengthened Standards:

ACQSC Strengthened standards video series:

The New Aged Care Act:

Governing for reform in Aged Care program:

Specialisation Verification Framework:

Governing for Reform in Aged Care – Podcasts:

Quality improvement planning resources (including diversity planning)

Safer Care- Quality Improvement Toolkit (2024). Available here:

Australian Government (2018) Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Rules 2018 No. 149, 2018.  (Refer to section 62 for requirements regarding Continuous improvement plans).  Available from:

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s (ACQSC) website includes a range of resources and guidance about aged care providers responsibilities in relation to planning for continuous improvement.  These include:

Other planning guides/resources

While each of these guides have been developed with a different audience or focus area, they all support a best practice approach to planning.  If your organisation doesn’t already have an established inclusive planning framework, or you’d like to review your current process, systems or tools, these resources may be especially helpful.

Centre for Cultural Diversity and Ageing (CCDA) have developed a range of resources to support aged care providers understand, plan for and deliver culturally inclusive services.  Key resources include:

  • Inclusive Service Standards to assist aged care providers in the development and the delivery of inclusive services to all consumers.  They provide a framework for services to adapt and improve their services and organisational practices so they are welcoming, safe and accessible.  The resources include an online portal, tip sheets and templates, online training modules, videos with discussion guides and an organisational audit and planning tool.  Further information is available from:

Embrace multicultural mental health – Mental Health Australia, in partnership with the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Council of Australia (FECCA) and the National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA) have created The Framework for Mental Health in Multicultural Australia. The framework covers all aspects of service delivery, including planning, management, outcomes monitoring and evaluation, with a primary focus on cultural competence.   While the framework was designed for mental health service providers, feedback from users has suggested it can be a valuable tool to support planning across a range of service types.  It provides lots of resources, tools and examples.  The framework and further information is available from:

Val’s LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care has developed The LGBTI-Inclusive Practice Review Tool for services supporting or caring for older people (The Val’s Review Tool) to assist service providers become culturally safe and inclusive for older lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people. Using the Rainbow Tick Standards as the framework, the Val’s Review Tool will assist with the identification of current practice, including gaps and areas for improvement and action in the provision of LGBTI-safe and inclusive care and support. Services can also use their results to demonstrate actions and requirements for Aged Care Quality Standards (ACQS) review processes.   The tool and supporting resources are available from:

Program evaluation resources

Department of Finance (2021) Evaluation in the Commonwealth (RMG 130).  While developed for the public sector, this guidance provides useful information about effective evaluation concepts and approaches.  It also includes a range of valuable tools and templates to guide evaluation practice.  Available from:

KeepAble (2021) Measuring Client Outcomes. Available from:

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA / Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle

Examples of organisational diversity strategies & plans