Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing (CCDA) (2021) Innovative Approaches to Inclusive Practice by Leaders in the Aged Care Sector (video). Available from: https://www.culturaldiversity.com.au/good-practice-stories/704-innovative-approaches
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) Quality Standards: Case studies (including a number of case studies that relate specifically to respecting identity, culture and diversity). Available from: https://www.agedcarequality.gov.au/providers/standards/case-studies
Bolton Clarke (2022) Digital Diversity Stories (short audio stories). Available from: http://boltonclarke02.wpengine.com/working-with-diversity/
KeepAble. Interviews and Success stories. Available from: https://keepable.com.au/for-client-and-community/interviews-and-success-stories/
Department of Health (DH) (2019) Aged Care Diversity Framework: Aged care provider action plans. These include case studies that reflect inclusive service provision. The action plans are available from: https://www.health.gov.au/resources/collections/aged-care-diversity-framework-action-plans
The collection includes the following action plans for aged care providers:
- Shared Actions to Support all Diverse Older People
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
- Older CALD People
- LGBTI Elders
Latham, J & Barrett, C (2015) Gender is just part of who I am: Stories from Trans Australians. (includes a number of case studies and reflection questions) Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS). Available here.
Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing (CCDA) Good practice Stories. Available from: https://www.culturaldiversity.com.au/good-practice-stories
World Health Organization (WHO) Global Database of Age-friendly Practices. Available from: https://extranet.who.int/agefriendlyworld/afp/
HammondCare. Changing lives through art (video). Available from: https://www.hammond.com.au/services/positive-ageing
Inner North West Primary Care Partnership (INWPCP) Walk with Us (video). The film aims to encourage mainstream community/health organisations to be more culturally inclusive, so that more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people access their services. Available from: https://vimeo.com/209850039
Central Victorian Primary Care Partnership (CVPCP) Paul Chapman’s Story: Taking care of cultural and spiritual wellness. Video and guide. Available from: