From 1 July 2025, older people will have stronger protections under a new rights-based Aged Care Act.
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Call the Aged Care Advocacy Line, our national team of advocates is available Monday to Friday 8am–8pm and Saturday 10am-4pm 

Self-advocacy toolkit

What you need to know for better aged care

Self-advocacy or speaking up means having the right information to get the care and support you need. Explore the topics below to start.

Home Self-advocacy toolkit Your aged care rights Making the most of your aged care services

Making the most of your aged care services

Aged care services should

  • deliver care and support in line with your needs, wishes and preferences
  • have staff who are knowledgeable, capable and caring
  • give you the right information
  • help you understand that information
  • let you make your own choices
  • respect your culture and language
  • listen to you
  • make you feel safe.

When something is not right, or not working for you, it’s okay to speak up. Most service providers will want to work with you to find a solution.

The Speak Up Checklists (below) help you to identify the issues you want to raise with your existing provider or a potential new provider.

If you would like to talk things over before you speak up, call one of our aged care advocates.

Your rights

How to use the Charter of Aged Care Rights and the Aged Care Quality Standards to raise issues with your provider. Featuring advocate Tammy Cabban and partner-in-care Lorraine. Click on the ‘CC’ button to turn on captions and the ‘V’ icon for full screen.

Documents and external links

Learn more about making the most of your aged care services. These documents and websites offer help, strategies, and practical information. Brief descriptions are provided for each document or link.

Checklist: Speaking up for better home care

Aged care services should give you what you need. This OPAN checklist has prompts and suggestions to help you identify your care needs, and the things that are important to you. When you are talking to a home care service provider, be sure to make your preferences clear. Download and print the checklist. There is space to add your own notes and questions.

Checklist: Speaking up for better residential care

Aged care services should give you what you need. This OPAN checklist has prompts and suggestions to help you identify your care needs, and the things that are important to you. When you are talking to a residential care provider, be sure to make your preferences clear. Download and print the checklist. There is space to add your own notes and questions.

Need more support?
Call 1800 700 600